Telegram CEO Pavel Durov announced his long-term commitment to the MAJOR token. He pledged to hold 1% of its total supply for 10 years. Durov praised...
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov admitted that his platform has been disclosing user IPs, phone numbers, and addresses to law enforcement since 2018. Crypto security experts are...
In a surprising turn of events, Pavel Durov, the visionary behind Telegram and Toncoin (TON), broke his silence, triggering a rebound in Toncoin (TON)’s price. At...
The odds appear to be shifting in favor of Telegram-linked Toncoin (TON), whose value has risen by almost 10% in the past 24 hours. The altcoin...
After the French police detained Telegram co-founder and chief executive officer (CEO) Pavel Durov in Paris, an old hoax of Apple removing the popular private messaging...
Cryptocurrencies linked to the Telegram messaging app experienced steep declines after Pavel Durov’s recent arrest. Beyond Toncoin (TON), Telegram coins, including the tap-to-earn project Notcoin (NOT)...
Interest in Toncoin (TON), the native token of The Open Network, has surged to an all-time high. This spike follows the arrest of Telegram CEO Pavel...
Pavel Durov, Telegram’s co-founder and CEO, was reportedly arrested in France on Saturday, according to a local media outlet. France’s National Anti-Fraud Office detained the 39-year-old...
Telegram founder Pavel Durov recently celebrated the success of Notcoin, further fueling the ongoing NOT price rally. Durov revealed that NOT tokens donated by Notcoin’s developers...
On May 17, Pavel Durov, founder of the instant messaging platform Telegram, thanked the Notcoin project for a generous donation. This game-based initiative gave Durov and...