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Why Are NFTs Bad? The Problem And Legal Issues



Why Are NFTs Bad? This pressing question underscores today’s heated discussions around Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Despite the buzz, many investors are left grappling with unsellable NFTs, questioning their value and security. This article cuts through the noise to examine the critical issues and legal challenges surrounding NFTs.
We navigate the complex NFT laws, dissect the reasons behind the unsellable nature of some digital assets, and address the underlying problems fueling the skepticism. With focused insights, we aim to shed light on the darker aspects of NFTs to answer the question: are NFTs bad?

Why Are NFTs Bad?

The question “Why are NFTs bad?” resonates in the digital world, particularly among those cautious about the rapidly evolving blockchain technology. NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, have garnered attention for their unique ability to represent ownership of digital assets. However, beneath the surface of this innovative technology lies a web of concerns that have led many to question their overall value and impact.

Understanding NFTs: A Brief Overview

NFTs are digital tokens that represent ownership of unique items, using blockchain technology to certify authenticity and ownership. Each NFT stands out as distinct, unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are fungible and allow for one-to-one exchanges. They can represent anything digital, such as art, music, or even tweets.

NFTs derive their uniqueness from granting a feeling of exclusivity and ownership over digital assets, which have traditionally been easily replicated and distributed. By tokenizing these assets on a blockchain, NFTs create a digital scarcity and a verifiable way to claim ownership.

However, the rise of NFTs has not been without controversy. Their detractors point to several key issues: technical issues questioning the longevity of NFTs, the potential for market manipulation, and the creation of a speculative bubble where the value of digital assets is highly uncertain. Furthermore, the legal landscape surrounding NFTs is still evolving, with questions about copyright and ownership rights at the forefront.

Exploring The Main Question: Why Are NFTs Bad?

While NFTs have their benefits, the growing concerns cannot be overlooked. The main question, “Why are NFTs bad?” stems from several critical issues associated with their use and functionality.

Why Are NFTs bad

Technical Challenges And Longevity Concerns

The appeal of NFTs on blockchains such as Ethereum is diminished by various technical challenges, raising questions about their long-term viability and dependability as digital assets. Here are some technical reasons for “why are NFTs bad”:

  1. Off-Blockchain Asset Storage: Most NFTs, especially on Ethereum, link to digital assets like images stored off the blockchain due to Ethereum’s size and cost constraints. These assets are often hosted on platforms like IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), not directly on the blockchain.
  2. External URL Vulnerability: The use of external storage like IPFS raises questions about the longevity and accessibility of the linked digital assets. The potential obsolescence of these platforms poses a risk to the permanence of NFTs.
  3. Blockchain-Specific Uniqueness: The uniqueness of an NFT is limited to its native blockchain, like Ethereum. The same asset can be tokenized on different blockchains, challenging the notion of uniqueness.
  4. Duplicate NFT References: NFTs can reference the same digital asset via HTTP links, leading to multiple NFTs for a single asset within the same blockchain, contrary to their non-fungible nature.

Market Manipulation And Speculative Bubble

The NFT market is not just a platform for digital creativity but also a hotbed for speculation and potential market manipulation, raising significant concerns. Following are some market-related reasons for “why are NFTs bad”:

  • Speculative Investments: NFTs have become symbols of speculative investment, with prices often driven by hype rather than intrinsic value. High-profile sales, like that of Beeple’s artwork, have attracted a wave of investors looking to capitalize on potential market booms. This speculation can inflate prices artificially, creating a bubble where the value of NFTs is grossly overestimated.
  • Risk Of Market Manipulation: The NFT marketplace is vulnerable to manipulation due to its relatively unregulated nature and the opacity of transactions. There have been instances where artists or sellers artificially inflate the value of an NFT by purchasing their own assets through third parties. This tactic creates a false impression of high demand and value, luring unsuspecting buyers into overpaying.
  • Impact Of Celebrity Endorsements: The involvement of celebrities and influencers in promoting NFTs further fuels the speculative bubble. Their endorsements can lead to rapid spikes in prices and interest, often without a sustainable basis. While celebrity involvement has brought mainstream attention to NFTs, it also raises questions about the genuine value and long-term viability of these assets.
  • Volatility And Unsustainability: High volatility marks the NFT market, featuring significant fluctuations in value. This instability renders NFT investments risky, especially for individuals not deeply familiar with the digital asset landscape.

Legal Ambiguity

The burgeoning world of NFTs is mired in legal ambiguities, making it a complex landscape to navigate for creators, collectors, and investors alike. Below are some legal reasons for “why are NFTs bad”:

Unclear Copyright And Ownership Rights:

One of the fundamental legal challenges with NFTs is the ambiguity surrounding copyright and ownership rights. Purchasing an NFT often grants the buyer ownership of a unique token, but not necessarily the copyright of the underlying digital asset. This distinction can lead to confusion and disputes over what buyers are actually entitled to when they acquire an NFT.

Varying International Laws:

The legal recognition of NFTs varies significantly across different jurisdictions. While some countries may have specific regulations governing digital assets, others lack clear guidelines. This inconsistency presents challenges, particularly in cases involving cross-border transactions or disputes.

Smart Contract Complexities:

NFTs operate on smart contracts—self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. However, the legal status of these contracts is not always clear. Issues arise when smart contracts, which are immutable once deployed, contain errors or do not align with legal standards. Rectifying these issues can be complicated and may require litigation.

Regulatory Uncertainty:

The regulatory landscape for NFTs is still in its infancy. Financial regulators in various countries are grappling with how to classify NFTs—whether as securities, commodities, or a completely new asset class. This lack of regulatory clarity adds to the uncertainty, particularly regarding compliance with existing financial laws and anti-money laundering (AML) requirements.

Liability And Consumer Protection:

The decentralized nature of NFT marketplaces often leaves consumers with limited recourse in cases of fraud, theft, or disputes. In such scenarios, the issue of liability remains mostly unresolved, and consumer protection mechanisms are not as strong as those in traditional financial markets.

NFT Pros And Cons

The world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) presents a mixed bag of advantages and drawbacks. Understanding these pros and cons is essential for anyone looking to engage with NFTs, whether as creators, collectors, or investors.

Pros Of NFTs:

  • Digital Ownership And Provenance: NFTs provide a clear proof of ownership and provenance for digital assets. They enable artists and creators to monetize digital works, which were previously easy to replicate and difficult to sell as unique pieces.
  • Market Expansion For Artists: NFTs have opened up new markets for digital artists and creators, allowing them to reach a global audience. This democratization of art sales has empowered artists, especially those outside the traditional gallery system.
  • Innovation And Creativity: The NFT space encourages innovation and creativity, particularly in digital art and multimedia. It has sparked new forms of artistic expression and collaboration.
  • Collectibility And Investment: For collectors, NFTs offer a new avenue for investment in digital art and collectibles. The unique nature of NFTs makes them appealing as collectible items.

Cons Of NFTs:

  • Technical Issues: On blockchains like Ethereum, NFTs present several technical issues, questioning their longevity. Being aware of these issues is crucial.
  • Market Volatility And Speculation: The NFT market is highly volatile, with values fluctuating dramatically. This instability, coupled with speculative investments, poses risks for buyers and sellers.
  • Intellectual Property Issues: The legal ambiguity around copyright and ownership rights in NFTs creates complications for intellectual property law. Buyers might not fully understand what rights they are acquiring, leading to potential legal disputes.
  • Accessibility And Inclusivity Issues: Despite their potential for democratizing art, NFTs also pose challenges in terms of accessibility and inclusivity. The technical and financial barriers to entry can be high, limiting participation to a more tech-savvy and financially capable audience.

The Dark Side: Unsellable NFTs And Market Risks

The world of NFTs is not just about innovation and lucrative opportunities. There’s a darker side to this market, characterized by the phenomenon of unsellable NFTs and significant market risks that raise critical questions about the overall safety and soundness of investing in these digital assets. This adds another layer to the question “why are NFTs bad.”

The Reality Of Unsellable NFTs

While NFTs have been sold for staggering amounts, the reality is that not all NFTs find buyers, leading to a growing concern over unsellable NFTs. Several factors contribute to this situation:

  • Market Saturation: As more creators and investors flood into the NFT space, the market is becoming increasingly saturated. This saturation makes it harder for individual NFTs to stand out, reducing their likelihood of being sold.
  • Speculative Nature: Many NFTs are bought for speculative purposes, with the hope of reselling for a profit. When the speculation bubble bursts, or if the hype dies down, the value of these NFTs can plummet, making them difficult to sell.
  • Lack Of Intrinsic Value: Some NFTs may lack intrinsic artistic or collectible value, being created solely for the purpose of capitalizing on the trend. These NFTs may struggle to find a market.
  • Liquidity Issues: The NFT market is not as liquid as other investment markets. Selling an NFT, especially at a desired price point, can be challenging and time-consuming.

Platforms like Unsellable specialize in purchasing these low-value NFTs for tax write-off purposes.

Unsellable NFTs
Tax-loss harvesting of NFTs | Unsellable NFTs

Are NFTs Bad?

The question “Are NFTs bad?” is complex. NFTs themselves are a neutral technology with potential for positive use, such as supporting artists and creating unique digital experiences. However, the issues of market saturation, speculative bubbles, and technical concerns add a negative aspect to this technology. The answer largely depends on how NFTs are used and the awareness of the buyers and sellers about the risks involved.

Are NFTs Safe?

The safety of investing in NFTs is a matter of perspective and depends on various factors:

  • Technical Issues: NFTs on Ethereum face several problems that investors should be aware of.
  • Market Volatility: The high volatility of the NFT market can lead to significant financial risks for investors.
  • Legal and Technical Risks: As discussed earlier, there are legal ambiguities and technical challenges associated with NFTs, which can impact their long-term viability.
  • Scams And Fraud: The NFT space, like any emerging market, is susceptible to NFT scams and fraudulent activities, which can pose risks to less experienced investors.

NFT fraud

NFT Laws: Legal Challenges

Navigating the complex legal landscape of NFTs poses a challenge, given that these digital assets intersect various aspects of law in ways that are still evolving and being defined. The dynamic and rapidly evolving nature of NFTs has left lawmakers and stakeholders working to catch up with the legal implications which adds another argument to the question “why are NFTs bad”.

NFT Laws Decoded

The application of existing laws to NFTs is a challenging task, primarily because NFTs are a novel concept that doesn’t fit neatly into traditional legal categories. Intellectual property rights are at the forefront of legal concerns. When someone purchases an NFT, they acquire a token that represents ownership, but the extent of this ownership is often misunderstood. It rarely includes the right to reproduce or distribute the underlying digital asset, leading to potential legal disputes over copyright infringement and ownership rights.

Consumer protection laws are also critical in the NFT marketplace. These laws are designed to protect buyers from deceptive practices. However, the decentralized and often anonymous nature of blockchain transactions makes the enforcement of such laws challenging. The risk of fraud and misrepresentation is high, and buyers may find themselves with limited recourse in cases of dispute.

The classification of NFTs under financial regulations is another area of legal ambiguity. The structure and nature of certain NFTs might classify them as securities. For example, the US Securities and Exchange Commission charged Stoner Cats 2 for conducting an “unregistered offering of crypto asset securities,” depending on their specific characteristics. This categorization subjects them to stringent regulatory requirements, including registration and disclosure obligations under securities laws. However, the lack of clear guidance from regulatory bodies creates uncertainty for NFT issuers and investors.

NFT Legal Issues: A Detailed Analysis

Legal issues in the NFT space are diverse and multifaceted. Copyright and ownership disputes are common, particularly as the lines between digital ownership and copyright ownership are blurred. These disputes often involve multiple parties, including artists, digital platforms, and collectors, each with differing interpretations of their legal rights.

Smart contracts, which are the backbone of NFT transactions, present their own set of legal challenges. While these contracts are designed to be self-executing and immutable, they are not immune to legal scrutiny. Disputes can arise when the terms encoded in smart contracts conflict with statutory laws or when there are errors in the code. The resolution of such disputes often requires litigation, which can be complex and costly.

Taxation of NFT transactions is an emerging area of legal concern. The tax implications for buying, selling, or creating NFTs are not straightforward, and tax authorities are still determining how to apply existing tax laws to these transactions. This uncertainty complicates financial planning for participants in the NFT market and raises the risk of unintended tax liabilities.

The Evolving Landscape Of NFT Legality

As the NFT market continues to grow, so does the legal framework that surrounds it. Governments and regulatory bodies worldwide are beginning to recognize the need for specific regulations that address the unique aspects of NFTs. These emerging regulations aim to provide clarity and stability to the market, but they also bring new compliance challenges.

The global nature of NFT transactions adds another layer of complexity. NFTs are often bought and sold across international borders, bringing into play different legal jurisdictions and regulatory standards. Harmonizing these diverse legal systems is a daunting task and one that is critical for the development of a cohesive global NFT marketplace.

Legal cases involving NFTs are increasingly making their way through courts, setting important precedents that will influence future legal interpretations and regulations. These cases cover a range of issues, from copyright disputes to the enforceability of smart contracts, and their outcomes will have significant implications for the NFT industry.

In conclusion, the legal challenges surrounding NFTs are as dynamic and multifaceted as the technology itself. From intellectual property concerns to regulatory compliance, the legal aspects of NFTs require careful navigation. As the market evolves, so too will the laws and regulations that govern it, shaping the future of this innovative digital asset class.

The Problem With NFTs

The world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) is marked not only by innovation and opportunity but also by significant problems that raise concerns and contribute to the question, “Why are NFTs bad?”.

Analyzing More Of The Problem With NFTs

A closer look reveals several underlying problems with NFTs:

  • Perceived Value Vs. Real Value: A core problem with NFTs is the disconnect between their perceived and real value. The worth of many NFTs is often driven by hype and speculation rather than tangible artistic or utilitarian value. This discrepancy can lead to a volatile market where prices do not reflect the true value of the underlying digital asset.
  • Cultural And Ethical Concerns: The NFT craze has raised cultural and ethical questions. It challenges traditional notions of art ownership and creation, potentially commodifying artistic expression in unprecedented ways.
  • Impact On Artistic Integrity: For artists, the lure of NFTs can sometimes lead to a compromise in artistic integrity. The pressure to create content that is more likely to sell in the NFT market can influence artistic decisions, potentially leading to a homogenization of digital art.
  • Accessibility And Digital Divide: The NFT ecosystem tends to favor those with access to specific technological resources and knowledge. This digital divide excludes a large segment of potential creators and collectors, particularly those from underprivileged backgrounds or regions with limited access to advanced technology.

Blockchain Legal Issues

Earlier discussions have addressed the legal challenges of blockchain, the underlying technology of NFTs, but further exploration reveals additional nuances worth considering:

  • Data Privacy Concerns: Blockchain’s transparency and immutability, while strengths, also raise data privacy concerns. Once on the blockchain, information becomes almost impossible to remove, potentially leading to privacy issues, especially with personal data involved.
  • Smart Contract Liabilities: Smart contracts are prone to coding errors or unforeseen legal implications. These liabilities can lead to complex legal scenarios where the responsibilities and liabilities of parties in a blockchain transaction are unclear or disputed.
  • Cross-Border Enforcement: Enforcing legal decisions across borders is a significant challenge in blockchain transactions. When a dispute arises, the international and decentralized nature of blockchain makes it difficult to enforce judgments or legal actions.
  • Emerging Legal Frameworks: As governments and regulatory bodies start to catch up with blockchain technology, new legal frameworks are emerging. These frameworks aim to address the unique challenges posed by blockchain but also create a shifting legal landscape that can be difficult for participants to navigate.

In conclusion, the problems with NFTs extend beyond simple technical or market issues, encompassing broader cultural, ethical, and legal challenges. As the NFT space matures, addressing these multifaceted problems will be crucial for its sustainable and responsible growth.

FAQ: Why Are NFTs Bad?

This FAQ section aims to succinctly address some key questions surrounding NFTs, especially everything about the questions “why are NFTs bad?”

Why Are NFTs Bad?

Critics often target NFTs for their environmental impact, market volatility, and legal uncertainties. Concerns also include the potential for exacerbating the digital divide. The perspective on whether NFTs are “bad” varies based on individual viewpoints and contexts.

NFT Laws: What Investors Should Know?

Investors should note that the legal framework around NFTs is evolving. Key considerations include copyright and financial regulations, as well as the market’s inherent volatility and potential legal risks.

Are NFTs Unsellable?

Not all NFTs are unsellable, but market saturation and fluctuating values can affect their salability. The speculative nature of the market adds to the uncertainty regarding the sale and value of NFTs.

Are NFTs Bad?

Whether NFTs are “bad” is subjective. While they offer innovative digital asset ownership, their environmental costs, potential for market manipulation, and legal challenges are significant drawbacks.

What Is The Problem With NFTs?

The main issues with NFTs include environmental concerns, market instability, accessibility challenges, and legal ambiguities, highlighting the need for sustainable practices and clear regulations.

What’s The Problem With NFTs?

NFTs face environmental, economic, legal, and ethical challenges, including energy consumption, market fluctuation, and impacts on artistic and cultural values.

Are NFTs Legal?

NFTs are legal, but they operate in a complex regulatory landscape that varies across regions. The legality involves considerations around transactional frameworks and compliance with existing laws.

Featured image from Shutterstock

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Cardano Price Tapping DeFi TVL Potential To $1




ADA, a Layer 1 blockchain, has slightly recovered after a recent market surge. According to CoinMarketCap, Cardano price is trading at $0.385 on Wednesday. The digital asset has experienced a 3% increase in value over the past day implying growth potential in the third week of June.

Cardano currently ranks 10th among other cryptocurrencies, with $13.8 billion in market capitalization. The smart contracts token experienced a modest 30% increase in the trading volume to $410 million as bulls made a comeback.

Cardano Price Forecast: Bullish Signs Amidst Market Recovery

Over the past week, Cardano’s price has fluctuated after a more than 7% decrease, indicating instability in its market position. This downturn followed a period of relative stability, causing concern among investors about potential future volatility. 

Cardano Price Forecast: Potential Growth Amid Rising TVL: Can ADA Reach $1?Cardano Price Forecast: Potential Growth Amid Rising TVL: Can ADA Reach $1?
Cardano Price Forecast

Over the past month, ADA has decreased by over 10%, primarily due to broader market pressures and a cooling off after previous gains. However, with the current market recovery, ADA is optimistic about the potential for growth in the near term. The altcoin price has been trading in a range of $0.45 to $0.36, showing signs of consolidation. 

According to data from DeFiLlama, Cardano has a total value locked (TVL) of $217 million. This measure indicates the capital currently staked or locked in various decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols on the Cardano blockchain. It signals robust activity and engagement within its ecosystem.

Cardano’s stablecoins have a market capitalization of $18 million, and the platform has seen a trading volume of $5.8 million over the last 24 hours. The platform also raised $62 million, highlighting significant investor interest and funding support for its ongoing development and expansion.

Technical Outlook: ADA Near-Term Price Movements

With the current market recovery, Cardano is poised for potential growth. A successful push past the $0.4 mark could trigger a notable rally, possibly elevating its value to $0.6. This surge might challenge a key $1 resistance barrier during a forthcoming bullish phase.

Conversely, a downturn in market sentiment could see ADA retreating to approximately $0.38. A continued downward trend might further depress its price to $0.35 soon. In a scenario where bearish forces intensify, Cardano could slide to a low of $0.25 in the short term.

Cardano Price Forecast: Potential Growth Amid Rising TVL: Can ADA Reach $1?Cardano Price Forecast: Potential Growth Amid Rising TVL: Can ADA Reach $1?
Cardano Price Forecast| Source TradingView

Technical Indicators Overview

  • The 4-hour technical analysis for Cardano shows a slight price recovery. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) is currently at 40, suggesting that ADA is neither oversold nor overbought. 
  • The Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) shows proximity to the zero line with slight bearish momentum as the histogram sits just below zero. 
  • The MACD line itself is marginally under its signal line, reinforcing the possibility of a bearish trend in the short term.
  • The Chaikin Money Flow (CMF) indicator hovers just above the zero line, indicating a bullish trend.

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CoinGape comprises an experienced team of native content writers and editors working round the clock to cover news globally and present news as a fact rather than an opinion. CoinGape writers and reporters contributed to this article.

The presented content may include the personal opinion of the author and is subject to market condition. Do your market research before investing in cryptocurrencies. The author or the publication does not hold any responsibility for your personal financial loss.

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Fraudsters Impersonate Forbes Journalists In Plot To Rob BAYC Holders




In the non-fungible tokens (NFTs) sector, scammers are constantly devising new methods to exploit unsuspecting collectors. The latest incident involves fraudsters posing as journalists from Forbes magazine, specifically targeting Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT holders. 

One BAYC owner, “Crumz,” recently shared his encounter with these scammers, detailing the elaborate scheme designed to steal his digital assets.

BAYC Collector’s Close Encounter With Scammers

According to Crumz, the scam began when he received a direct message on X (formerly Twitter) from someone claiming to be a Forbes editor named Robert Lafranco. 

Intrigued by the prospect of being featured in an article about BAYC, Crumz proceeded cautiously, conducting a cursory online search that seemingly confirmed the person’s identity. Unbeknownst to him, the scammers had meticulously crafted a “facade of credibility.”

The supposed Forbes journalist informed Crumz of their interest in gathering firsthand accounts from BAYC owners regarding their experiences within the club. Despite initial surprise at being approached, Crumz agreed to participate in a scheduled Zoom call. 

Related Reading

Crumz further stated that the scammers failed to show up for the initial call, citing a fabricated family emergency as the reason for their absence. They rescheduled the meeting for a later date.

When the rescheduled call finally took place, Crumz noticed several red flags. The individuals on the call refused to activate their cameras, claiming technical difficulties. 

Another person claiming to be Steven Ehrlich, Forbes’ research director, joined the conversation. Crumz shared his BAYC journey, recounting the early days and highlighting the club’s unique features.

During the call, Crumz alleges that the scammers exhibited further suspicious behavior. They lacked a premium Zoom account and insisted on using multiple call links. 

Additionally, they requested permission to record the screen using a separate recording bot. Although Crumz initially thought nothing of it, alarm bells rang when they asked him to find a banana and say something that resembled his Bored Ape character.

Unable to produce a banana on the spot, Crumz excused himself momentarily, muting his screen. During this momentary lapse, the scammers attempted to take control of his computer, prompting him to intervene when they navigated to the website 

Ultimately, all of Crumz’s valuable NFTs were securely stored in cold storage, safeguarding them from potential theft. He promptly shut down his computer to ensure his safety, hoping to sever any remote access the scammers may have gained. Crumz concluded:

Hopefully I’m safe now. Don’t think they can still control my computer when I turn it back on. Please be safe out there, it could’ve been a dreadful day today

Decline In Sales And Market Engagement

BAYC has recently witnessed a notable decline in various key metrics. The latest NFT data reveals a decrease in the number of sales, sales volume, and primary sales.

According to the latest figures, the number of sales has seen a significant drop of 33.59%, with 87 sales reported at present compared to 131 sales recorded the previous day. 

BAYC’s decline in sales volume over the past week. Source:

This decrease in sales has also resulted in a decline in sales in USD, with a decrease of 38.02%. The current sales volume is $2 million, compared to $3 million on Sunday.

Related Reading

In terms of sales volume, primary sales have experienced a 100% decrease, with no current sales reported. In contrast, primary sales generated $12,000 in USD the previous day. Secondary sales volume has also declined 37.76%, with the current figure at $2 million, compared to $3 million from the previous day.

Apecoin’s drop on the daily chart. Source: APEUSDT on

Featured image from Shutterstock, chart from 

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Types And How To Avoid Them




NFT scams have quickly become a major concern in the digital asset realm, overshadowing the growing Non-Fungible Token world. They range from NFT scams on Instagram to complex NFT art frauds like the Bored Ape Yacht Club and Logan Paul’s NFT game. The risks are varied and significant. This guide explores the murky world of NFT fraud, highlighting various forms such as fake NFTs, NFT Ponzi schemes, and common OpenSea scams.

Overview Of NFT Scams

The Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) realm has opened a new digital frontier, bringing with it a surge in NFT scams, troubling both investors and enthusiasts. These scams, leveraging the novelty and complexity of NFTs, often catch even experienced participants off guard.

NFT scams vary widely and continue to evolve, from simple phishing attempts to more complex Ponzi schemes. These fraudulent activities occur not only on lesser-known platforms but also on popular ones like OpenSea and in high-profile projects like the Bored Ape Yacht Club. The growth of social media further complicates matters, with platforms like Instagram becoming centers for NFT fraud.

Understanding the range and mechanics of these scams is essential for anyone involved in the NFT space. The risks are numerous, from fake NFTs posing as legitimate digital art to Ponzi schemes presented as attractive investments, and phishing scams targeting valuable digital assets.

NFT scams

True Or Not: NFTs Are A Scam?

The question of whether NFTs are a scam is complex and requires a nuanced understanding of the NFT ecosystem. At the outset, it’s important to clarify that not all NFTs are scams. NFTs, by their very nature, are a legitimate technological innovation, providing a unique way to authenticate and trade digital assets on the blockchain. They have been utilized in various fields, from digital art and entertainment to real estate and identity verification.

However, the burgeoning interest in NFTs has also attracted scammers looking to exploit the hype and the often limited understanding of the technology among the general public. This has led to a significant number of fraudulent schemes within the NFT space. Scams such as selling plagiarized digital art, creating fake NFT marketplaces, or promoting non-existent NFT projects are not uncommon. High-profile cases, like certain celebrity-endorsed NFT projects, have also raised suspicions and added to the skepticism.

The key takeaway is that while NFTs as a concept are not a scam, the ecosystem has been marred by fraudulent activities that prey on the uninformed. The presence of scams does not invalidate the entire NFT space but serves as a cautionary tale about the need for due diligence and skepticism, especially in a field that is relatively new and rapidly evolving. As the NFT market continues to mature, it is hoped that better regulation and informed participation will reduce the prevalence of these scams.

Types of NFT Scams

The world of NFTs, while offering vast opportunities for creators and collectors, is also rife with various types of scams. Here’s a list of the most common NFT scams:

Plagiarized NFTs / Fake NFTs

One of the most common types of NFT scams involves the sale of plagiarized or fake NFTs. In these scams, fraudsters create and sell NFTs that are unauthorized copies of existing digital artworks. They may also create entirely fake NFTs, passing them off as valuable or rare digital assets.

These scams exploit the NFT hype, especially in digital art, by taking advantage of buyers’ lack of knowledge in verifying NFT authenticity and originality. The decentralized, permissionless nature of blockchain, allowing anyone to mint NFTs, presents challenges in identifying these scams. It’s tough for buyers to distinguish between original and plagiarized NFTs without proper verification, leading to fraud and infringement on legitimate artists’ rights and profits.

To avoid such scams, thoroughly research the creator’s background and the NFT’s provenance. While platforms and marketplaces are increasingly vetting creators and artworks, buyers must still perform due diligence before purchasing.

NFT Ponzi Schemes

NFT Ponzi schemes are another alarming trend in the realm of digital assets. In these schemes, early investors are promised high returns based on the investments of new participants, rather than legitimate business activities or profit. The structure inevitably collapses once there are not enough new investors, leading to significant losses for later investors.

These schemes exploit the hype and speculative nature of the NFT market, often using aggressive marketing and false promises of guaranteed returns. They might be disguised as innovative NFT projects or exclusive investment opportunities in the digital art world.

To protect yourself from NFT Ponzi schemes, be wary of projects that promise high returns with little to no risk, and always research the project’s fundamentals and the credibility of its creators.

Rug Pull Scams

Rug pull scams are particularly nefarious in the NFT space. In these scams, the developers of an NFT project hype up their offering to increase demand and price. However, once they accumulate a substantial amount of funds, they abandon the project and disappear with the investors’ money. This leaves investors with worthless NFTs and no way to recoup their investment.

These scams are often associated with new projects that lack a track record or verifiable information about the team behind them. To avoid rug pulls, it’s essential to conduct thorough research on the NFT project, understand its utility, and verify the transparency and track record of the developers involved. Engaging with the community and looking for independent reviews can also provide valuable insights into the legitimacy of a project.

Bidding NFT Scams

Bidding NFT scams are a sophisticated form of fraud that occurs in the auction process of buying and selling NFTs. In these scams, fraudsters manipulate the bidding process to inflate the price of an NFT artificially. This is often done by using fake accounts to place high bids on the NFT, creating a false sense of demand and value.

Unsuspecting buyers, believing the NFT to be more valuable than it actually is, are then tricked into placing even higher bids. Once the NFT is sold at the inflated price, the scammers withdraw, leaving the buyer with an asset worth significantly less than what they paid.

To avoid falling victim to bidding scams, it’s crucial to research the bidding history of an NFT and be cautious of auctions where the price seems to escalate unusually quickly. It’s also advisable to verify the credibility of other bidders, if possible, and to understand the typical market value of similar NFTs.

NFT fraud

NFT Pump And Dumps

NFT pump and dumps are similar in nature to their counterparts in the stock market. In these scams, a group of individuals or a single entity artificially inflates the value of an NFT or a series of NFTs through hype and misinformation. Scammers typically use social media to quickly spread rumors or exaggerated claims about an NFT’s potential value. After they pump up the price and attract other investors, they sell (or dump) their NFTs at a high price. This causes the value to plummet, leaving new investors with a devalued asset.

To protect against pump and dump schemes, investors should be skeptical of NFTs that receive sudden and intense hype without tangible reasons or developments backing them. Independent research is crucial and should not rely solely on promotional materials or social media buzz to assess an NFT’s potential value.

Phishing Scams

Phishing scams are a prevalent issue in the NFT world, where scammers use deceptive methods to steal sensitive information, such as private keys or login credentials. These scams often occur through emails, social media messages, or fake websites that mimic legitimate NFT platforms. The scammers lure victims with the promise of exclusive NFT deals or access to rare digital assets, and once the victims enter their information on these fraudulent platforms, their digital wallets and the assets within them are compromised.

To protect against phishing scams, always verify the authenticity of any communication or websites claiming to be from well-known NFT platforms. Be cautious of unsolicited offers and never share your private keys or sensitive account information.

NFT Airdrop Or Giveaway Scams

NFT airdrop or giveaway scams take advantage of users’ desire for free assets. Scammers promote fake airdrops or giveaways, claiming to distribute free NFTs or cryptocurrencies. To participate, users are often asked to perform certain tasks like sending a small amount of cryptocurrency, sharing private keys, or completing a form with personal information. Once the information is shared or the payment is made, the scammers disappear without delivering the promised NFTs.

To avoid these scams, be wary of any offer that seems too good to be true, especially if it requires an upfront payment or sensitive information. Legitimate airdrops and giveaways usually do not require such actions.

Website Scams

Website scams in the NFT space typically involve the creation of fraudulent websites that imitate legitimate NFT marketplaces or projects. These websites might offer the sale of fake NFTs or pretend to offer services related to NFT trading. Unsuspecting users who transact on these sites may end up losing their funds or digital assets. These scams are sophisticated, with websites often appearing highly credible and professional.

To avoid falling for website scams, always double-check the URL of the website you’re visiting and ensure it’s the official site. Look for signs of legitimacy, such as secure connections (https), reviews from trusted sources, and verified contact information. Be cautious of websites that appear from unsolicited emails or social media links, and consider using browser extensions that can help detect and block malicious websites.

Most Common NFT Ponzi Schemes

NFT Ponzi schemes are significant frauds in the digital asset space, disguising themselves as legitimate investment opportunities. They benefit early initiators at the expense of later participants, often promising high returns quickly, backed by convoluted or non-existent business models.

A common NFT Ponzi scheme form involves platforms claiming to offer exclusive access to rare or high-value NFTs, asserting rapid value appreciation. Investors are urged to buy and recruit others, with the promise of earning from higher future sales. However, returns typically come from new participants’ investments. When new investors dwindle, the scheme collapses, leaving most at a loss.

Another variant involves scammers creating NFT projects with elaborate backstories and promised future utility, attracting investors with high-quality artwork or supposed real-world asset tie-ins. The goal is to boost initial sales and trading volumes, after which the creators vanish, leaving investors with worthless tokens.

To avoid NFT Ponzi schemes, thoroughly research any project or platform, especially those promising high returns. Seek transparent, realistic business models, and be cautious of projects reliant on recruiting new investors for profit.

NFT Scams On Instagram

Instagram’s large user base and visual focus have made it a breeding ground for NFT scams. Scammers exploit its popularity to commit various frauds, from fake NFT sales to phishing attacks. Instagram’s suitability for showcasing digital art allows scammers to use fake or hacked profiles to promote fraudulent NFT projects.

A common NFT scam on Instagram features fraudsters posting digital art images, falsely advertising them as NFTs for sale. These posts often link to fake websites that prompt users to provide personal information or send cryptocurrency for nonexistent NFTs. Another method involves sending direct messages with offers to buy or invest in NFT projects, which are actually scams.

Phishing attempts are rampant as well, directing users to fake websites that mimic popular NFT marketplaces or wallets. These sites steal login credentials, leading to loss of funds or NFTs from the victims’ actual wallets.

Staying safe from NFT scams on Instagram requires a high degree of vigilance. Always verify the authenticity of any NFT sale or project promoted on the platform. Be skeptical of unsolicited offers received via direct messages and avoid clicking on suspicious links. Additionally, cross-reference NFT offerings with official websites or platforms, and never share personal or wallet information on unverified sites.

NFT Art Scams And NFT Fraud

The NFT art world, despite its creativity and innovation, is still vulnerable to an array of scams and fraudulent activities. Common among these are the sales of counterfeit digital artworks, theft of artist identities, and fraudulent investment schemes posing as legitimate NFT projects.

OpenSea Scams

OpenSea, a leading NFT marketplace, attracts various scams. Scammers often list counterfeit versions of popular NFTs for sale, deceiving buyers into purchasing fake or plagiarized art. Another prevalent scam is phishing, using links that mimic legitimate OpenSea websites to steal wallet information and funds.

To counter these scams, OpenSea has taken measures like account verification and flagging suspicious activities. However, users need to stay alert. They should verify NFT authenticity, assess seller credibility, and use OpenSea’s official website to avoid these scams.

How to spot OpenSea scam NFTs
How to spot OpenSea scam NFTs | Source: Medium

Bored Ape Scam

Scammers have also targeted the Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) collection, known for its high-value and celebrity-endorsed NFTs. The high demand and significant media attention make it an attractive target. Scams related to Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) typically involve selling fake Bored Ape NFTs, phishing to steal these valuable NFTs from owners, and using the BAYC brand in fraudulent investment schemes to deceive victims.

Collectors and investors looking to avoid Bored Ape scams should be wary of deals that appear overly attractive, verify the authenticity of Bored Ape NFTs via official channels, and stay alert to phishing attempts targeting BAYC NFT holders.

Bored Ape Yacht Club scam
Bored Ape Yacht Club scam | Image credit:

Logan Paul NFT Game Scam

Logan Paul, a well-known internet personality, and his associates face a class action lawsuit over their NFT project, CryptoZoo. Announced in September 2021, this NFT-based game claimed to be an “autonomous ecosystem” for trading virtual exotic animals.

The lawsuit alleges that Paul’s team executed a rug pull, promoting CryptoZoo to his followers who were largely unfamiliar with digital currencies. This led to a significant number of them buying these NFTs. Further claims state that the game was non-functional or nonexistent, and the defendants manipulated the market for Zoo Tokens. After selling all their NFTs, they allegedly transferred the funds to their controlled wallets.

Further accusations include that the game did not work or never existed, and that the defendants manipulated the digital currency market for Zoo Tokens to their advantage. After completing the sale of all their NFTs, the defendants allegedly transferred the money to wallets controlled by themselves.

Avoiding NFT Scams: Best Practices

Here are some essential tips to help you stay safe in the world of NFTs:

  1. Do Your Research: Ensure you conduct thorough research on the project, its creators, and the selling platform before investing in any NFT. Look for reviews, community feedback, and the track record of the creators.
  2. Verify Authenticity And Provenance: Confirm the authenticity of the NFT you’re interested in to ensure it’s not a counterfeit. Check the item’s history and originality, which can be verified on the blockchain.
  3. Use Reputable Platforms: Stick to well-known and reputable NFT marketplaces that have measures in place to prevent scams. These platforms often have verification processes for sellers and their NFTs.
  4. Be Wary of Unsolicited Offers: Exercise caution with unsolicited offers that come through email, social media, or direct messages, particularly if they promise high returns or exclusive opportunities.
  5. Secure Your Digital Wallet: Use a secure and reputable digital wallet to store your NFTs. Protect your wallet’s private keys and make sure never to share them with anyone.
  6. Watch Out For Phishing Attempts: Be vigilant about phishing scams. Always check the URL of a website to ensure it’s legitimate and be cautious about clicking on links in emails or social media messages.
  7. Avoid Overhyped Projects: Approach NFT projects surrounded by excessive hype with skepticism, particularly those lacking substantial and verifiable information.
  8. Stay Informed About Scam Trends: Keep yourself updated on the latest scam trends in the NFT space. Knowledge about how scammers operate can be your best defense.

FAQ: NFT Scams

What Are Common NFT Scams?

Common NFT scams are phishing attacks, fake NFT sales, Ponzi schemes, rug pulls, bidding scams, and airdrop or giveaway scams. These tactics exploit the NFT hype, targeting uninformed buyers and investors.

What Is The Most Common NFT Scam?

The most frequent NFT scam involves selling fake or plagiarized NFTs. Scammers create and sell unauthorized copies of digital art or entirely fabricated NFTs, misrepresenting them as valuable.

What Are NFT Art Scams?

NFT art scams include selling fake digital art, using stolen artist identities, or promoting fraudulent investment schemes. These scams target collectors and investors in the digital art space.

What Are Fake NFTs?

Fake NFTs, non-genuine digital assets, include plagiarized copies of legitimate NFTs or entirely fabricated items misrepresented as valuable or rare. Creators make them to deceive buyers into purchasing something with little to no actual value.

How To Avoid NFT OpenSea Scams?

To avoid OpenSea scams, always verify the authenticity of NFTs and sellers, use OpenSea’s official website, be cautious of phishing links, and ensure your digital wallet’s security. Research and due diligence are key in avoiding scams on OpenSea.

What Are Examples Of NFT Fraud?

Examples of NFT fraud include the Bored Ape Yacht Club scams, Logan Paul NFT game scam, Ponzi schemes disguised as NFT projects, and phishing attacks targeting NFT collectors and investors.

Are All NFTs Scam?

No, not all NFTs are scams. While there are fraudulent activities within the NFT space, many legitimate NFTs offer genuine value and opportunities for artists, collectors, and investors.

Are NFTs Ponzi Scheme?

Not all NFTs are Ponzi schemes, but the NFT market has seen its share of Ponzi schemes disguised as legitimate investment opportunities. It’s important to differentiate between genuine NFT projects and those structured like Ponzi schemes.

What Are The Most Common NFT Scams On Instagram?

On Instagram, the most common NFT scams involve fake NFT sales and phishing attacks posing as legitimate offers. Additionally, scams often use hacked accounts to promote fraudulent NFT projects.

NFTs Are A Scam?

NFTs themselves are not a scam. They are a legitimate form of digital asset. However, like any emerging market, the NFT space has attracted scammers exploiting the hype and lack of regulation.

Is The Logan Paul NFT Game A Scam?

The NFT game CryptoZoo, associated with Logan Paul, is currently facing a class action lawsuit alleging it to be a “rug pull” scam. The lawsuit claims the game was non-functional or nonexistent and accuses the developers of financial manipulation. The ongoing case, still awaiting a final judgment, actively raises serious concerns about the project’s legitimacy due to these allegations.

How To Spot Bored Ape Yacht Club Scams?

To spot Bored Ape Yacht Club scams, start by verifying the authenticity of the NFTs through official channels. Additionally, be wary of offers that seem too good to be true and watch out for phishing attempts.

Featured images from Shutterstock

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