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DePIN Set to Surpass Centralized Networks in Next 15 Years



The telecommunications industry faces several challenges, including the need for continuous infrastructure upgrades, rising service costs, and limited coverage in rural areas. As a result, many customers are exploring alternative options that ensure accessible and reliable connectivity.

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePINs) have emerged to remedy the issues posed by traditional telecommunications companies. BeInCrypto spoke with industry experts from Huddle01, Impossible Cloud Network, and Aethir to understand how DePINs lower the access barriers to connectivity by employing blockchain technology. 

The Rise of DePIN Networks

Traditional telecommunications industries have relied on large infrastructure to provide internet access nationwide. Because of their large-scale nature, these projects require significant capital.

As a result, governments and large companies have traditionally been in charge of managing such resources. 

DePINs were designed to change this approach by allowing for the decentralization of these networks. They leverage distributed ledgers and token incentives to build and maintain a decentralized and far-reaching infrastructure. 

Providers receive tokens as rewards for continuing to provide services in the real world. The entire process is automated through smart contracts, allowing hardware interconnectivity, executing complex transactions, and managing rewards. 

“‭DePINs‬‭ fundamentally‬‭ rethink‬‭ how‬‭ communication‬‭ networks‬‭ operate‬‭ by‬‭ leveraging‬‭ decentralization‬‭ and‬‭ community‬‭ participation.‬‭ They‬‭ use‬‭ a‬‭ network‬‭ of‬‭ distributed‬‭ nodes‬‭ contributed‬‭ by‬‭ the‬‭ participants‬‭ so‬‭ the‬‭ service‬‭ can‬‭ scale‬‭ dynamically as more participants join.‬‭ DePINs‬‭ are‬‭ also‬‭ highly‬‭ economical‬‭ because‬‭ they‬‭ utilize‬‭ underutilized‬‭ resources‬‭ like bandwidth and storage from everyday users,” explained ‬‭Ayush‬‭ Ranjan‬‭,‬‭ Co-Founder‬‭ &‬‭ CEO‬‭ at‬‭ Huddle01‬.

Market sentiment and overall adoption seem to agree with DePINs’ utility. 

A Promising Future for Decentralized Telecommunications

According to a Messari report, DePIN revenue reached over $500 million in 2024, a 100x increase from 2022. 

DePIN revenue reached over $500 million in 2024.
DePIN revenue reached over $500 million in 2024. Source: Messari.

Per the report, the number of active DePIN projects nearly doubled last year. DePIN tokens now represent 5% of the total cryptocurrency market cap, and over 13 million devices worldwide contribute to DePIN operations daily.

Experts across the industry expect this growth to continue.

“Because‬‭ of‬‭ this‬‭ model,‬‭ DePIN‬‭ has‬‭ the‬‭ potential‬‭ to‬‭ outgrow‬‭ centralized‬‭ networks‬‭ like‬‭ Google,‬‭ Microsoft‬‭ and‬‭ Facebook‬‭ by‬‭ 100s,‬‭ if‬‭ not‬‭ 1000x‬‭ in‬‭ the‬‭ next‬‭ 15‬‭ years.‬‭ It‬‭ might‬‭ not‬‭ be‬‭ as‬‭ flashy‬‭ and‬‭ exciting‬‭ as‬‭ memecoin‬‭ trading,‬‭ but‬‭ it‬‭ completely changes the game,” predicted Kai‬‭ Wawrzinek‬‭,‬‭ CEO‬‭ and‬‭ Co-Founder of Impossible Cloud Network‬ (ICN), a decentralized multi-service cloud platform.

Today, the DePIN industry boasts a market capitalization of nearly $23.3 billion and over $2 billion in trading volumes. According to CoinGecko data, Bittensor, Render, Filecoin, Theta Network, and The Graph are among the projects leading the current ranking.  

Top DePIN Coins by Market Capitalization.
Top DePIN Coins by Market Capitalization. Source: CoinGecko.

The increase in decentralized telecommunications options reflects a greater need for fairer and more inclusive approaches to internet connectivity

Driven‬‭ by‬‭ the‬‭ ever-increasing‬‭ demand‬‭ for‬‭ connectivity,‬‭ the‬‭ telecom‬‭ industry‬‭ faces‬‭ heightened pressure‬‭ to‬‭ innovate.‬‭ However,‬‭ current‬‭ network‬‭ models,‬‭ often‬‭ characterized‬‭ by‬‭ vertical‬‭ integration,‬‭ struggle‬‭ to‬‭ meet‬‭ this‬‭ demand.‬‭ 

“‭‬‭Traditional‬‭ centralized‬‭ telecom‬‭ models‬‭ are‬‭ expensive,‬‭ slow‬‭ to‬‭ expand,‬‭ and‬‭ don’t‬‭ consistently‬‭ offer‬‭ equal‬‭ access.‬‭ Within‬‭ this‬‭ traditional‬‭ model,‬‭ a‬‭ few‬‭ major‬‭ companies‬‭ control‬‭ the‬‭ infrastructure,‬‭ which‬‭ allows‬‭ them‬‭ to‬‭ keep‬‭ pricing‬‭ high‬‭ and‬‭ often‬‭ limits‬‭ competition.‬‭ Additionally,‬‭ expanding‬‭ coverage‬‭ requires‬‭ significant‬‭ investment‬‭ and‬‭ time,‬‭ ultimately‬‭ leaving‬‭ some‬‭ areas‬‭ underserved,” said Kyle‬‭ Okatomo‬‭, Chief‬‭ Technology‬‭ Officer at Aethir‬, a decentralized GPU cloud infrastructure project.

This centralized model tends to monopolize service provision and inherently generates more inequality for areas with smaller populations or limited infrastructure. 

“‬‭Centralized‬‭ telecom‬‭ providers‬‭ tend‬‭ to‬‭ prioritize‬‭ profitable‬‭ urban‬‭ areas,‬‭ leaving‬‭ rural‬‭ and‬‭ remote‬‭ regions‬‭ underserved.‬‭ This‬‭ became‬‭ especially‬‭ apparent‬‭ during‬‭ the‬‭ pandemic‬‭ when‬‭ remote‬‭ schooling‬‭ peaked,‬‭ and‬‭ students‬‭ in‬‭ rural‬‭ areas‬‭ struggled‬‭ with‬‭ connectivity,” Ranjan told BeInCrypto.

Their concentrated power makes telecom providers more susceptible to targeted security attacks.

“Centralization‬‭ often‬‭ means‬‭ data‬‭ is‬‭ stored‬‭ in‬‭ one‬‭ place.‬‭ This‬‭ creates‬‭ a‬‭ huge‬‭ single‬‭ point‬‭ of‬‭ failure‬‭ risk‬‭ and‬‭ often‬‭ leads‬‭ to‬‭ breaches‬‭–‬‭ just‬‭ think‬‭ of‬‭ the‬‭ AT&T‬‭ hack‬‭ last‬‭ year‬‭ that‬‭ resulted‬‭ in‬‭ leaked‬‭ data‬‭ for‬‭ 73‬‭ million‬‭ customers,” added Wawrzinek‬‭.

Given these limitations, many telecommunications companies face increased competition from DePIN projects.

Empowering Communities Through DePINs

For Wawrzinek‬‭, the mission behind every DePIN project focusing on telecommunications improvement is simple:

“DePIN‬‭ is‬‭ about‬‭ taking‬‭ control‬‭ away‬‭ from‬‭ one‬‭ centralized‬‭ entity‬‭ and‬‭ distributing‬‭ it‬‭ among‬‭ the‬‭ community‬‭–‬‭ literally‬‭ giving‬‭ power‬‭ back to the people,” he said.

The decentralized infrastructure provided by DePINs offers a clear Web3 use case, utilizing various technologies to connect service providers with end users. This decentralization helps make services more cost-effective and faster.

“‬DePINs‬‭ expand‬‭ internet‬‭ access‬‭ by‬‭ decentralizing‬‭ and‬‭ democratizing‬‭ critical‬‭ infrastructure,‬‭ moving‬‭ beyond‬‭ the‬‭ limitations‬‭ of‬‭ discrete‬‭ traditional‬‭ centralized‬‭ models. ‬Said‬‭ plainly,‬‭ centralized‬‭ networks‬‭ are‬‭ discrete,‬‭ whereas‬‭ decentralized‬‭ networks‬‭ can‬‭ easily‬‭ and‬‭ quickly‬‭ expand‬‭ via‬‭ community-based‬‭ ownership‬‭ and‬‭ contribution.‬‭ This‬‭ creates‬‭ a‬‭ more‬‭ flexible,‬‭ cost-effective,‬‭ and‬‭ widely‬‭ accessible‬‭ alternative,” Okatomo told BeInCrypto. 

By empowering communities to set up their own hotspots or internet service providers (ISPs), DePINs facilitate the creation of small local networks that others can access. Users pay for bandwidth, and providers receive payments directly.

In its latest report, Messari highlighted how DePIN projects like Helium Mobile, DAWN, and WiFi Map use tokenized models to simplify and improve internet connectivity.

“Helium‬‭ allows‬‭ users‬‭ to‬‭ run‬‭ nodes‬‭ to‬‭ provide‬‭ decentralized‬‭ wireless‬‭ access‬‭ and‬‭ earn‬‭ tokens‬‭ in‬‭ return,‬‭ DAWN‬‭ on‬‭ Solana‬‭ turns‬‭ users‬‭ into‬‭ localized‬‭ ISPs,‬‭ and‬‭ WiFi‬‭ Map‬‭ rewards‬‭ global‬‭ WiFi‬‭ sharing,” Wawrzinek‬‭ explained.

These models encourage active participation from service providers and consumers, as everyone collaborates to ensure the infrastructure functions effectively.

“By‬‭ contributing,‬‭ they‬‭ essentially‬‭ own‬‭ a‬‭ part‬‭ of‬‭ the‬‭ network.‬‭ Unlike‬‭ traditional‬‭ systems‬‭ where‬‭ ownership‬‭ typically‬‭ requires‬‭ payment,‬‭ DePINs‬‭ operate‬‭ on‬‭ a‬‭ model‬‭ where‬‭ ownership‬‭ is‬‭ earned‬‭ through‬‭ contributions,‬‭ with earning becoming a byproduct of participation,” Ranjan added.

Coordinated efforts with policymakers will be required to support the continued growth of the DePIN sector.

Addressing Regulation in the DePIN Sector

As DePIN projects continue to develop, they have begun to draw institutional recognition for their potential. Last November, the Harvard Business School decided to teach Helium Mobile’s DePIN strategy as part of its strategy curriculum.

While DePIN networks gain more acceptance, the issue of regulation within the sector is becoming increasingly important.

“Clear‬‭ regulations‬‭ that‬‭ encourage‬‭ investment‬‭ and‬‭ security‬‭ can‬‭ help‬‭ foster‬‭ growth‬‭ within‬‭ the‬‭ DePIN‬‭ ecosystem.‬‭ They‬‭ should‬‭ also‬‭ ensure‬‭ that‬‭ network‬‭ flexibility‬‭ remains‬‭ intact‬‭ while‬‭ addressing‬‭ concerns‬‭ from‬‭ both‬‭ enterprises‬‭ and‬‭ consumers.‬‭ Additionally,‬‭ promoting‬‭ collaboration‬‭ across‬‭ sectors‬‭ along‬‭ with‬‭ independent,‬‭ controlled‬‭ testing‬‭ helps‬‭ regulators‬‭ develop‬‭ informed‬‭ policies‬‭ while‬‭ proactively‬‭ managing‬‭ risk‬‭ to‬‭ build‬‭ trust‬‭ and‬‭ stability‬‭ within the community,” Okatomo told BeInCrypto.

Some industry experts in the United States emphasized the importance of avoiding one-sided discussions and adopting an open-minded approach to foster effective communication between regulators and DePIN leaders.

Three days before leaving office, former US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Gary Gensler sued Nova Labs, the developers behind the Helium Network.

The lawsuit claims Nova Labs defrauded its customers while breaching federal securities and regulations. The allegations focus on the company’s hotspot devices, which they have sold since 2019.

“‬Regulation‬‭ is‬‭ important‬‭ for‬‭ DePIN,‬‭ but‬‭ it‬‭ needs‬‭ to‬‭ be‬‭ thoughtfully‬‭ implemented.‬‭ For‬‭ example,‬‭ the‬‭ SEC’s‬‭ recent‬‭ lawsuit‬‭ against‬‭ Helium‬‭ is‬‭ just‬‭ not‬‭ productive.‬‭ Regulators‬‭ need‬‭ to‬‭ understand‬‭ DePIN‬‭ business‬‭ models‬‭ and‬‭ not‬‭ just‬‭ demonize‬‭ anything‬‭ to‬‭ do‬‭ with‬‭ crypto.‬‭ We‬‭ do‬‭ need‬‭ clear‬‭ regulations‬‭ around‬‭ tokenomics,‬‭ data‬‭ privacy,‬‭ infrastructure‬‭ deployment…we‬‭ don’t‬‭ need‬‭ year-long‬‭ lawsuits‬‭ that‬‭ make‬‭ all‬‭ innovation‬‭ grind‬‭ to‬‭ a‬‭ standstill.‬‭ I’m‬‭ all‬‭ for‬‭ an‬‭ open‬‭ dialogue‬‭ between‬‭ DePIN‬‭ and‬‭ regulators‬‭–‭ and,‬‭ in‬‭ fact,‬‭ I‬‭ don’t‬‭ believe‬‭ we‬‭ can‬‭ grow‬‭ without‬‭ it.‬‭ But,‬‭ until‬‭ now,‬‭ it’s‬‭ been‬‭ a‬‭ one-sided conversation, and that needs to change,” ‬Wawrzinek‬‭ told BeInCrypto.

In addition to improving dialogue with regulators, DePIN experts also plan to focus on other areas for improvement.

Overcoming Challenges in DePIN Adoption and Expansion

Leaders in the DePIN industry underscore the need for improved educational resources to responsibly educate society on DePIN use cases and drive broader adoption.

“The‬‭ technical‬‭ aspects‬‭ of‬‭ DePIN‬‭ can‬‭ be‬‭ daunting‬‭ for‬‭ new‬‭ users,‬‭ which‬‭ can‬‭ make‬‭ onboarding‬‭ confusing,” said Ranjan.

To that point, ‬Wawrzinek‬‭ added:

“A‬‭ bigger‬‭ challenge‬‭ is,‬‭ perhaps,‬‭ to‬‭ do‬‭ with‬‭ the‬‭ overall‬‭ understanding‬‭ and‬‭ perception‬‭ of‬‭ web3‬‭ and‬‭ crypto.‬‭ There’s‬‭ still‬‭ a‬‭ certain‬‭ level‬‭ of‬‭ mistrust‬‭ and‬‭ a‬‭ lack‬‭ of‬‭ education,‬‭ but‬‭ also‬‭ many‬‭ web2‬‭ companies‬‭ –‬‭our‬‭ clients‬‭ included‬‭–‬‭ don’t‬‭ really‬‭ want‬‭ to‬‭ get‬‭ involved‬‭ with‬‭ crypto‬‭ directly.‬”

The fact that limited regulations currently exist surrounding DePIN can also affect their stability.

“DePINs‬‭ operate‬‭ in‬‭ a‬‭ decentralized‬‭ environment,‬‭ often‬‭ leading‬‭ to‬‭ unclear‬‭ or‬‭ nonexistent‬‭ regulations.‬‭ This‬‭ lack‬‭ of‬‭ oversight‬‭ can‬‭ have‬‭ major‬‭ consequences‬‭ for‬‭ the‬‭ security‬‭ and‬‭ stability‬‭ of‬‭ DePIN‬‭ networks,‬‭ especially‬‭ in heavily regulated industries like electricity and telecommunications,” Ranjan told BeInCrypto.

He also pointed to scalability and efficiency as two aspects that must be closely monitored alongside DePIN expansion.

“‭As‬‭ DePIN‬‭ networks‬‭ grow,‬‭ the‬‭ volume‬‭ of‬‭ transactions‬‭ increases,‬‭ potentially‬ overwhelming‬‭ current‬‭ blockchain‬‭ infrastructures‬‭ and‬‭ leading‬‭ to‬‭ performance‬‭ issues,” he said. 

Some projects like Huddle01 have explored and deployed Layer-3 blockchain solutions to enhance scalability. 

Addressing these limitations while leveraging DePINs’ advantages could drive widespread adoption and create strong competition for established telecommunications giants.

DePIN Beyond Telecommunications

DePINs’ prospects seem very bright, and the presence of these networks extends far beyond the telecommunications industry. Several established projects tackle other issues related to energy grids, supply chain logistics, and identity solutions. 

Some have started to employ artificial intelligence to improve operational efficiency, while use cases have extended to game developers, marketing agencies, and retailers. 

“DePIN‬‭ has‬‭ the‬‭ potential‬‭ to‬‭ replace‬‭ existing‬‭ systems‬‭ and‬‭ make‬‭ them‬‭ far‬‭ better.‬‭ It’s‬ not‬‭ just‬‭ the‬‭ internet‬‭ –‬‭DePIN‬‭ has‬‭ wide‬‭ applications‬‭ across‬‭ GPU‬‭ computing,‬‭ AI,‬‭ gaming,‬‭ you‬‭ name‬‭ it.‬‭ There‬‭ is‬‭ still‬‭ work‬‭ to‬‭ be‬‭ done‬‭– especially‬‭ when‬‭ it‬‭ comes‬‭ to‬‭ interoperability,‬‭ without‬‭ which‬‭ DePIN‬‭ projects‬‭ are‬‭ just‬‭ operating‬‭ in‬‭ silos.‬‭ But,‬‭ if‬‭ we‬‭ do‬ this‬‭ right,‬‭ we‬‭ get‬‭ a‬‭ decentralized‬‭ ecosystem‬‭ where‬‭ the‬‭ individuals‬‭ benefit‬‭ –‬‭not‬‭ the‬‭ corporate‬‭ giants‬‭–‬‭ and‬‭ it’s‬‭ the‬‭ corporations‬‭ that‬‭ will‬‭ need‬‭ to‬‭ adapt.‬‭ I‬‭ really‬‭ look‬‭ forward to seeing that future,” ‬Wawrzinek‬‭ concluded.

If DePINs can overcome their current hurdles, they could usher in a new era of decentralized innovation with benefits that extend far beyond telecommunications.


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Analyst Says PEPE Price Must Break This Resistance Level For 150% Surge Toward ATHs



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The PEPE price is currently trading within a Falling Wedge pattern, a historically bullish indicator that suggests an imminent breakout. A crypto analyst predicts that a decisive move above key resistance levels could trigger a 150% rally towards new all-time highs for PEPE.   

Key Resistance To Ignite PEPE Price Rally

Over the past few weeks, Pepe, the popular frog-themed meme coin, has been stuck in a downtrend, consistently rejecting off of a descending resistance trendline. The meme coin had initially experienced significant gains earlier this year. However, with the recent volatility and the decline in the broader market, PEPE and many other cryptocurrencies have recorded severe losses. 

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Despite the bearish performance, a pseudonymous TradingView analyst called ‘MyCryptoParadise’ has shared a bullish forecast for the PEPE price. The analyst projects that it could experience a massive 150% price surge, pushing it to $0.00003 and marking new all-time highs. 

For this prediction to become a reality, Pepe will have to confirm a price reversal by breaking above the descending resistance and claiming a new support, as seen on the chart. The TradingView analyst has asserted that Pepe must surpass the $0.000015 resistance, claiming it as new support and a potential launch pad to the bullish $0.00003 target. 

Source: MyCryptoParadise on Tradingview

While breaking above a key resistance may seem like an easy feat, the PEPE price has failed to do so over the past few weeks. The meme coin has rejected multiple breakout attempts; however, technical indicators reveal that Pepe’s current price fundamentals remain bullish.

Notably, Pepe is trapped inside a Falling Wedge on its price chart, a pattern known to precede significant upward momentum once resistance is broken. If demand from buyers successfully pushes PEPE above its $0.000015 resistance level, the analyst believes that a parabolic rally may be in store for the meme coin. 

Pepe also forms a bullish divergence on the histogram in its chart, signaling a possible shift in momentum to the upside. The analyst has indicated that for Pepe to reach its projected ATH target, bulls will have to take control, helping to push the meme coin above the Falling Wedge pattern.  

Currently, the asset is sitting at $0.000006 and $0.000012, where buyers have historically stepped in to defend prices and avoid further breakdowns. A surge from its current price of $0.00000945 to $0.00003 would represent an over 150% increase. 

Bearish Scenario Unveiled

While he shared his bullish projection for the PEPE price, the TradingView analyst also presented an alternative bearish outlook for the meme coin. The analyst urged traders to remain cautious, as failing to hold the $0.000006 and $0.000012 could invalidate the previous bullish setup. 

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The analyst predicts that if the meme coin fails to break this zone, it could trigger increased downside pressure, exposing the meme coin to more risks and possibly triggering a deeper sell-off that would put bears in complete control.

PEPE trading at $0.0000094 on the 1D chart | Source: PEPEUSDT on

Featured image from LinkedIn, chart from

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iDEGEN’s presale enters its final week ; XRP beats other crypto majors



As the artificial intelligence industry booms, more investors are showing interest in AI crypto projects. In fact, the sector has grown several folds to a market cap of $29 billion as seen on CoinGecko. 

Fartcoin and AI16z, both launched in October 2024, are some of the newbies in the market that have grown to a valuation of over $300,000. iDEGEN, the uncensored AI agent, is set to capitalize on this boom. 

Meanwhile, Ripple remains one of the top-performing crypto majors as more entities file for XRP ETFs. With a crypto-friendly US administration and increased global adoption, Ripple price is set for a breakout. 

Ripple ETFs expected to yield an XRP price breakout

Ripple remains one of the top-performing crypto majors as more entities file for Ripple ETFs. In recent days, SEC acknowledged receiving proposals from Grayscale, Bitwise, and CoinShares. Cboe BZX Exchange is the latest to join the list after filing its proposal to list WisdomTree XRP Fund.

Investors are optimistic of the approval of these filings under the leadership of pro-crypto SEC Chair, Paul Atkins. Coupled with the friendly environment harnessed by President Trump and the expected surge in Ripple adoption, the crypto is set for a breakout in the ensuing months. 

At its current level, the bulls are gathering enough momentum to break the resistance at $2.7450. If successful, the next target will be at $2.9100. This thesis will remain valid for as long as the crypto remains above the crucial support zone of $2.3357.


iDEGEN set for 100x growth as it positions itself in the looming US-China AI supremacy battle 

Even before hitting the public shelves on 27th February, iDEGEN is already stirring the waters in the AI meme space. Since its launch in November 2024, it has raised more than $23.9 million from over 25,000 holders.  

Since its inception, iDEGEN’s creators have been keen on introducing developments that will set it apart from its competitors for the good of its holders. For instance, the AI agent started on a black slate and relied on crypto degens on X to learn, adopt, and tweet. 

The community took it upon itself to raise it and shape it as it desired. It is this engagement that bolstered the project’s virality; a necessary component of a successful meme coin. The hype had it trending in both the US and the UK. 

Besides, its V2 and V3 upgrades have expanded iDEGEN’s reach. It has gone on to integrate the ultra-popular DeepSeek; strategically positioning itself in the looming US-China AI supremacy battle.

Additionally, there are rumors of a listing on Binance. Whether or not this will materialize, iDEGEN has the potential to record 100x growth in the coming months. Hurry up and buy iDEGEN here.

Solana price readies for recovery on the back of the filed ETFs

In one month, Solana price has plunged by about 40% amid the risk-off mood that recently swept across the cryptocurrency market. However, it is set for recovery as more companies seek SEC’s approval for Solana-based ETFs. This includes forms like Bitwise, Canary, and VanEck.

With an RSI of 33, it is bordering the oversold territory. Besides, the indicator is facing upwards; hinting at a rebound. 

At its current level, the bulls are defending the support at $167.34 as they gather enough momentum to break the resistance at $186.21. It may remain within this range in the near term as the death cross pattern remains in place. However, with improved market sentiment, Solana price has the potential to rebound to the 50-day EMA at $205.

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Sam Bankman-Fried Requests Pardon From Trump



Sam Bankman-Fried, the imprisoned former CEO of FTX, is hoping that President Trump will pardon him. In a recent interview, he portrayed his own conviction as part of the anti-crypto overreach of Biden’s Presidency.

However, while Bankman-Fried was a free man and a billionaire, he donated millions against Trump in the 2020 election. Securing a pardon under these circumstances may be a long shot.

Will Trump Pardon Sam Bankman-Fried?

Sam Bankman-Fried, one of the biggest criminals in crypto history, is trying to get out of federal prison. He has consistently petitioned for his release since the legal battle begun in 2022, but with little success.

Now, however, Bankman-Fried is looking for a new strategy, hoping that President Trump will pardon him.

“My judge, Judge Kaplan, is one of Trump’s judges in New York, which is sort of part of a larger fight going on between the incoming Trump DOJ and what they see from Biden’s DOJ. I know there have been discussions of a pardon… Given what President Trump has seen of the DOJ and its politicization, I think there is a real conversation happening around that.” says Bankman-Fried.

Before FTX came crashing down in 2022, Bankman-Fried was one of the biggest figures in the international crypto space. He was a major Democratic donor, contributing to Joe Biden’s 2020 victory over Donald Trump, but all his political capital disappeared with his empire.

Recently, prosecutors made an exception for him when announcing an end to crypto crackdowns.

However, now that Trump is in charge, this may present a new opportunity. He pardoned Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, whose decade-long imprisonment was a cause célèbre in the crypto community after petitions from Ulbricht’s mother. Bankman-Fried’s own parents noticed this and began asking President Trump to pardon their son last month.

In his first interview from prison with The New York Sun, Bankman-Fried was very light on directly praising Trump in his pardon requests.

Instead, he acknowledged his past ties with the Biden administration and claimed that he became dissatisfied with its crypto policies. He alleged that his own conviction was a casualty of this government overreach, which Trump can correct:

“I viewed myself at the time as sort of center-left, and that’s not how I view myself anymore. By 2022, I had spent a bunch of time in Washington, D.C., working with legislators, regulators, and the executive branch, and I became really frustrated and disappointed with what I saw of the Biden administration and the Democratic Party. Particularly on crypto policy, the Biden administration was just incredibly destructive and difficult to work with. I think my case fits into that broader context,” Bankman-Fried claimed.

It’s presently unclear whether this framing will do much to move President Trump. Although Bankman-Fried claimed that he also donated to Republicans, he nonetheless directly backed Trump’s opponent with millions of dollars.

In other words, although Bankman-Fried maintains his innocence, a pardon seems like a real long shot.

Bankman-Fried Still Claims to be Innocent

Sam Bankman-Fried says that the prosecutors pushed some “very big misinformation during his trial.” They also provided misleading information about his luxury apartment complexes, according to the FTX founder.

He also firmly denies that FTX and Alameda Research were bankrupt or insolvent.

“Both companies had enough to make good on all their liabilities. What happened was a liquidity crisis, a run on the bank. We had more in assets than in debt, but all of a sudden there was a big demand on cash delivery immediately,” he claims.

Regardless of his claims, Bankman-Fried’s colleagues, Gary Wang and Nishad Singh, as well as Caroline Ellison, testified against him during the trial. All of them received much lighter sentences due to their cooperation.

Although the founder made some remarks about his mistakes, he claimed his sentencing was exaggerated. However, the crypto community might not agree.


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