In a compelling narrative unfolding within the global crypto space, the renowned pro-XRP lawyer Bill Morgan once again shared his insights on X, dispelling the fog...
Shiba Inu, a prominent dog-themed meme coin in the crypto sphere, has once again sparked significant interest. Today, May 6, the crypto saw a remarkable 4000%...
The top crypto prices today continued gaining as the Bitcoin (BTC) price soared past the $64,000 level. Furthermore, the Ethereum (ETH) price mirrored the positive sentiment...
Against the backdrop of a highly volatile price movement illustrated by Pepe coin in the past 24 hours, a smart money’s strategic move to accumulate colossal...
Recent data released from the US provided a visible lift to the market, also supported by a dovish Federal Reserve and the Quick Rate Adjustment (QRA)....
A number of cryptocurrency “whales” have significantly grown their positions by purchasing a huge number of PEPE, LINK, UNI, MKR, and ENS. This characteristic was quite...
LUNC News: Terra Luna Classic community has rejected a crucial proposal on preventing validators from running multiple nodes on the chain. The proposal received some votes...
Currently, there is a robust rally occurring in the meme coin sector, with Dogwifhat (WIF), the world’s fourth-largest meme coin, surging by an additional 21% in...
Crypto exchange firm Coinbase faces another class action lawsuit alleging the company misled investors into buying securities. The complaint is brought by individual complainants claiming Coinbase...
The recent surge in XRP’s price, witnessing a 3% increase, marks a significant pause in its downward trend. Coingape Media reports strong demand at the $0.48...