In an unprecedented turn of events, against the backdrop of a meme coin market slump witnessed today, Pepe coin took a bearish stage with a considerable...
In a shockwave curating development witnessed today, May 7, Dogecoin whales have once again nabbed significant attention, shifting nearly 767 million coins amid DOGE’s price slip....
The Solana price has rallied nearly 5% today, despite a series of massive whale transfers to the Coinbase exchange today. Notably, this move has sparked speculations over the...
In the ongoing legal dispute between Ripple Labs and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), significant progress has been made with the recent actions taken...
While Ethereum (ETH) remains a central player, it faces mounting challenges in its quest for widespread adoption. Moreover, a recent report by 10x Research suggests that...
The top crypto prices today witnessed substantial declines as the Bitcoin (BTC) price extended below the $64,000 level. Furthermore, the Ethereum (ETH) price dipped below the...
TerraClassicUSD (USTC) price has jumped 9% over the last 24 hours, backed by a strong trading volume increase of over 800%. USTC is currently ranked 67...
Palestine’s militant group Hamas on Monday agreed to a ceasefire with Israel on geopolitical tensions in Gaza. The proposal was put forward by Qatar and Egypt,...
Ripple Vs SEC News: Experts claim the long-running XRP lawsuit is to conclude really soon as Judge Torres’ final ruling could come this year, most probably...
WLD, the native cryptocurrency of Sam Altman’s iris-scanning project Worldcoin, has moved upwards by 20% in the last 24 hours. As of press time, the Worldcoin...